
Good tips for brain health from Posit Science blog:  Dr Oz has promoted cinnamon for alertness and weight loss for several years… and we love to hear that yoga is getting more attention as a BRAIN BOOSTER!  It’s my favorite way to “wind down” on weekends and recharge my spirit and mind.  I recommend Iyengar (therapeutic) yoga for the over-50 crowd – you will NOT get injured in this style of yoga.  Their restorative sessions are HEAVENLY…

Yoga May Boost the Brain
Just say “Om!” Scientists have been studying people who regularly practice yoga, and the results are inspiring. They’ve found that yoga may boost the brain in a variety of ways, including improving mood, helping keep memory and intelligence sharp, and fighting stress.Learn more.  

  1. Yoga may improve mood. 
  2. Yoga may maintain fluid intelligence and protect the brain in aging. 
  3. Yoga may help with PTSD and other kinds of stress. 
  4. Yoga may improve executive brain functioning in older adults. improved in measures of executive function.

Why Sleeping In Can Make You Feel More Tired, Not Less
Have you ever noticed that getting more sleep can actually make you feel more tired? Researchers have found that oversleeping can not only make you feel bad, but can also be bad for your health. That’s because we have biological clocks that tell our cells when we should be sleeping and when we should be awake. If we sleep too much or at the wrong time, it can confuse that clock.Learn more.

Brain in Your Belly? How Your Gut Bacteria Affect Your Brain
Scientists have been studying the connection between the bacteria in your gut and your brain activity. It turns out your microbiome can send signals to your brain—and even play a role in mental disorders like depression and autism. Listen to a podcast or read more about it.

Trying “Too Hard” Can Impede Learning of a Second Language
Researchers from MIT recently found that trying too hard can actually make it more difficult to learn a second language. The researchers found that adults who try to learn a new language may have cognitive skills and strategies that are too developed, which can impede second-language learning. In fact, the harder the adults in the study tried to learn, the worse they ended up doing. Find out why.

Sleep Helps Consolidate Motor Memories
Are you learning to play a musical instrument? A new study suggests that you may want to sleep on it—because sleep can help consolidate your motor system memories. The researchers found that people who learned a piano sequence remembered it better if they slept after learning the sequence. Find out why.

Beautiful brain photos, cinnamon for the brain, and what 6 seconds of exercise can do for you:Check out these recent stories from the Posit Science blog!



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